There are several ways to treat hemorrhoids, from over-the-counter creams to hemorrhoidectomy surgeries. By far the most effective method for treating hemorrhoids is a process called “rubber band ligation” or “banding” using the CRH O’Regan System®.
While over-the-counter treatments (such as Preparation H) only temporarily relieve some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, and surgeries are generally only suggested for the most severe cases, the CRH O’Regan system is a simple, safe, fast, and effective option for the majority of hemorrhoid sufferers.
Watch the video below to learn more about this procedure:
The CRH O’Regan system is appropriate for over 95% of hemorrhoid patients. The procedure itself takes less than a minute, and there is virtually no post-procedure pain or recovery time.
If you still have questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.
If you’re experiencing hemorrhoid symptoms, don’t let fear or embarrassment about hemorrhoids hold you back from getting treatment. Make an appointment to speak with Dr. Mazin today.